BoltEx® – Bolt Exchange Clamp

Key Characteristics

  • Designed to ASME PCC-2, ASME VIII, and ASME B16.5
  • Enables safe bolt replacement during normal operations
  • Ensures flange integrity until the next shutdown opportunity
  • Validated by FEA to perform at 1.5 times rated line pressure with all flange bolts removed

Industry Challenges

  • Corrosion of piping systems
  • Flange and weld failures
  • Safety risks
  • Costly repair works
  • Shutdowns – Penalties
  • Loss of containment – Loss of production

Our Clients:

BoltEx® – Bolt Exchange Clamp

BoltEx® can be left installed as a preventative measure on defected flanges with bolts that are impossible to retrieve/replace, extending flange lifetime. Corroded bolts can be replaced immediately in accordance with ASME PCC-2 (Hot Bolting).


Key benefits:

Quick and safe to install

  • 1-2 installers
  • Available at short notice
  • Optimised weight for ease of use
  • No damage or disturbance to gasket


Compact and reusable

  • Countersunk bolts in one side for limited access applications
  • Open design allows access to the nut splitter for removing corroded flange bolts
  • Designed for fast and efficient installation and handling
  • Easy to remove and reinstall multiple times
  • Space-efficient storage and transportation


Cost effective

  • Eliminates the need for plant shutdown
  • Extends asset lifetime and reduces maintenance costs


Innovative Gasket Protection System (GPS)

  • GPS prevents over-compression or release of sealing pressure of flange gasket
  • BoltEx® bolts are pre-loaded against the GPS with an equal tension to the flange bolts; compression load on the gasket is therefore maintained as the flange bolts are removed
  • In the case of bolt failure BoltEx® will safely take the load preserving joint integrity
BoltEx Product Page