As part of our commitment to provide and maintain the best service to Shell, we had participated in an After Action Review (AAR) for Gumusut-Kakap (GK) Phase 3 development campaign which was recently completed. The 4 days event was held at Shang-Ri La Rasa Ria, Kota Kinabalu.
First of all, Eftech Drilling Solutions Sdn. Bhd. would like to extend our gratitude to Shell GK Phase 3 team for inviting us to the productive and well executed event. From our side, we had sent our Shell RTOC Team Lead, Mr. Ng Mui Ted as well as Mr. Farid Tarmizi, Technical Sales Manager to participate and give meaningful support and feedbacks during the AAR event. Thank you for the good hospitality from Shell team towards all the service providers.
We are looking forward to provide relevant products and services for the next GK Phase 4 development campaign on top of the current RTOC services as we believe that we have more to offer on the drilling and completion part. All the best for the next GK Phase 4 development campaign. By having the AAR done and dusted, all the learnings will become useful moving forward.
Let’s maintain the synergy that we had between Shell team and all the service providers for the next drilling campaigns. Thank you again for the wonderful, memorable and successful AAR event. Congratulations on successfully completing the four GK Phase 3 wells and the subsequent successful first oil.