Congratulation to Ts. Mohamad Sukor Zainal Abiddin CEng, Executive DIrector of EFTECH Drilling Solutions Sdn Bhd who has received the highest accolade of IET as the Fellow. It is more memorable when Ts. Sukor is the youngest Malaysian to be appointed as a Fellow among 52 registered IET fellows in Malaysia.
FELLOWSHIP of IET (FIET) is the highest accolade of IET that is awarded to the high achievers and respected professionals at the forefront of engineering & technology and sustained high levels of achievement for several years. There are many legendary and global renowned scientists from IET Fellow members who have massively contributed to the evolution and history of science and engineering since 1871. To name a few, Sir Joseph Swan (the first developed incandescent lamp), Olivier Heaviside (reformulated Maxwell Equation), Sir G P Thomson (electron wave), Sir Edward Appleton (ionosphere existence) and many more.